quote of day: What was the name of the maid on the Jetson's cartoon?
Answer to last post: Casablanca and farewell was from Lawrence Welk show
Festo Kivengere:
Revolutions ravaged East Africa (Uganda) during 70s & 80s. Idi Amin killed hundreds of thousands of his own people. God raised up a man named Festo. Born in 1919 he was grandson of king of the Bahororo tribe. Festo grew up worshiping spirits and caring for his fathers cattle. Festo knew there was a God and desired to know him. He knew God was the Creator and so he tried to worship Him, but did not know how, so he worshiped all kinds of spirits. When he as just a boy an African missionary came to his village and built a mud-hut church. Thru this Festo learned to read and ended up attending college. When he came home after college to be a teacher in his village, he no longer believed in God. A revival had started in East Africa and people were confessing wrong things they had done and trying to make them right. This shocked Festo who thought religious people usually only pointed out other sin. It made him think and he finally became a Christian. Confessing sin and becoming brothers and sisters in Christ became the core of Festo's ministry after that. He became the Anglican Bishop of Kigezi. When Idi Amin tried to stamp out all Christains in his country, the church remained strong even though many beleivers died. Festo and his wife had to flee the country. He wrote a book called "I love Idi Amin". He explained "On the cross, Jesus said. "Father forgive them because they don't know what they are doing." As evil as Idi Amin was, how can I do less toward him?" When Amin was finally thrown out of the country, hatred remained between the people. Until he died of leukemia in 1988, Festo did much to help heal the wounds of the war.
Analysis: Most people love things and use people. God would have us use things and love people. He came to seek and save sinners. A sinner is anyone who is not perfect. God demands perfection. Since none can meet that criteria we need a savior. Someone to pay our debt - a get out of jail free card. His name is Jesus. We deserve death, but can have eternal life in paradise just by asking God and beleiving by faith alone -- no works or deed are needed or desired by God. If we could do anything to deserve it Jesus would not have come and died on the cross for our us. Freedom of choice which we all have been given by God resulted in a chaotic sinful world. Mercy is a withholding of something you deserve whereas Grace is a receiving of something you don't deserve. Big difference. You obtain eternal life in heaven by confessing with your mouth Jesus as Lord of your life by faith and beleiving God raised him from the dead taking death captive and securing your redemption thru Jesus Blood on the cross. You have been bought with a price. Jesus precious blood. He that calleth upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. He that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of God hath not life. It's that simple. God said unless you come to me like a little child you shall in no way enter into my kingdom. Again I'll quote Jim Elliot "he is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he can never lose." My sinful empty broken miserable, fragile, weak short life here for eternity upon eternity never ending paradise with wonder untold. Sounds like a deal to me. I'm with Joshua of old who said before he died. " Chose this day whom you will serve, but for me and my house we will serve the Lord".
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