Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Festo Kivengere story

quote of day:  What was the name of the maid on the Jetson's cartoon?

Answer to last post: Casablanca and farewell was from Lawrence Welk show

Festo Kivengere:
Revolutions ravaged East Africa (Uganda) during 70s & 80s. Idi Amin killed hundreds of thousands of his own people.  God raised up a man named Festo.  Born in 1919 he was grandson of king of the Bahororo tribe.  Festo grew up worshiping spirits and caring for his fathers cattle.  Festo knew there was a God and desired to know him.  He knew God was the Creator and so he tried to worship Him, but did not know how, so he worshiped all kinds of spirits.  When he as just a boy an African missionary came to his village and built a mud-hut church.  Thru this Festo learned to read and ended up attending college.  When he came home after college to be a teacher in his village, he no longer believed in God.  A revival had started in East Africa and people were confessing wrong things they had done and trying to make them right.  This shocked Festo who thought religious people usually only pointed out other sin.  It made him think and he finally became a Christian.  Confessing sin and becoming brothers and sisters in Christ became the core of Festo's ministry after that.  He became the Anglican Bishop of Kigezi.  When Idi Amin tried to stamp out all Christains in his country, the church remained strong even though many beleivers died.  Festo and his wife had to flee the country.  He wrote a book called "I love Idi Amin".  He explained "On the cross, Jesus said. "Father forgive them because they don't know what they are doing." As evil as Idi Amin was, how can I do less toward him?"  When Amin was finally thrown out of the country, hatred remained between the people.  Until he died of leukemia in 1988, Festo did much to help heal the wounds of the war.

Analysis:  Most people love things and use people. God would have us use things and love people.  He came to seek and save sinners.  A sinner is anyone who is not perfect.  God demands perfection.  Since none can meet that criteria we need a savior.  Someone to pay our debt - a get out of jail free card.  His name is Jesus.  We deserve death, but can have eternal life in paradise just by asking God and beleiving by faith alone -- no works or deed are needed or desired by God.  If we could do anything to deserve it Jesus would not have come and died on the cross for our us.  Freedom of choice which we all have been given by God resulted in a chaotic sinful world.  Mercy is a withholding of something you deserve whereas Grace is a receiving of something you don't deserve.  Big difference.  You obtain eternal life in heaven by confessing with your mouth Jesus as Lord of your life by faith and beleiving God raised him from the dead taking death captive and securing your redemption thru Jesus Blood on the cross.  You have been bought with a price.  Jesus precious blood.  He that calleth upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  He that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of God hath not life.  It's that simple.  God said unless you come to me like a little child you shall in no way enter into my kingdom.  Again I'll quote Jim Elliot "he is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he can never lose."  My sinful empty broken miserable, fragile, weak short life here for eternity upon eternity never ending paradise with wonder untold. Sounds like a deal to me. I'm with Joshua of old who said before he died.  " Chose this day whom you will serve, but for me and my house we will serve the Lord".

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Solomon & Elizabeth Fry (Gurney)

Answer to previous quote: Kelly's Heroes

New Quote:  "Here's looking at you kid"

Elizabeth Fry:

A Quaker she believed in simple living.  Born 1780, Norwich, England.  In 1813 she visited Newgate Prison in London and was shocked by prison conditions.  She started a group of volunteers to start a school for children of prisoners.  Though often sick herself and had her own family to care for she kept reaching out to the poor and prisoners for the sake of Christ.  Her constant prayer was "Whatever I do in anything, may I do it as to thee".  She died in 1845 age 65.  This was also the era when England sent many prisoners to Botany Bay Australia.

Solomon (cont)

So I hated life because the work that is done under the sun was grevious to me.  All of it is meaningless, a chasing after teh wind.  I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me.  And who knows whether he will be a wise man or a fool?  Yet he will have control over all the work into which I have poured my effort and skill under the sun.  This too is meaningless.  So my heart began to despair over all my toilsome labor under the sun.  For a man may do his work with wisdsom, knowledge and skill, and then he must leave all he owns to someone who has not worked for it.  This too is meaningless and a great misfortune.  What does a man get for all the toil and anxious striving with which he labors under the sun?  All his days his work is pain and grief, even at night his mind does not rest.  This too is meaningless. A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work.  This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?  To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God.  This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Do you wish to be wise Saheeb?  A wise man will take from Solomons words that motive and attitude are key.  The circumstances are the same for all, but the difference is whether we do it all for selfish reasons or whether we do all as unto God with thanksgiving and a servants heart.  A wise man named Jim T once told me you can't truly be thankful and have a bitter negative spirit at the same time -- it can't be done.  When you're truly thankful only love and appreciation come forth out of your heart.  Enjoy what God has blessed you with, love God, and do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.  Against such things there is no law.

"Good night sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you - here's a wish and a prayer that every dream come true and now til we meet again. adios, arivwa, aphetisan, good night!"

Anyone recognize that farewell song?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Solomon's Wisdom & Jim Elliot story (Auca Indian tribe)

Answer to yesterdays quote is - the movie On Borrowed Time starring Lionel Barrymore 1939.

What movie is this Quote of the day from:  "I'm coming down there Booker!" & "They're using some type of code we don't recognize like Big Joe and Crap Game and Oddball." Both from same movie.

Born in Portland Oregon 1927 he accepted Christ at age 6.  Attended Wheaton College 1945.  He married in 1953 and died in 1956 within days of his first contact with the Aucas Indian tribe who had never heard about Jesus. As a boy he dreamed of going to sea.  He got his wish by sailing to Ecuador to bring God's word to unreached tribes in South America.  Jim and 4 other men were killed by Auca lances while trying to make personal contact with the tribe. Inspired by their dedication to bring God's word to unreached people, hundreds of young people around the world volunteered to become missionaries in their place.  Eventually two of the mens wives live among the Aucas and learned their language and translated the Bible for them.  Jim knew that Christians are sometimes called by God to "fall to the ground and die," like seeds, so that good fruit will grow. (John 12:24)
Jim also said   "He is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he can never lose."

Solomon (cont)

Then I turned my thoughts to consider wisdom, and also madness and folly.  What more can the king's successor do than what has already been done?  I saw that wisdom is better than darkness.  The wise man has eyes in his head, while the fool walks in the darkness; but I came to realize that the same fate overtakes them both.  Then I thought in my heart, The fate of the fool will overtake me also.  What then do I gain by being wise?  I said in my heart, This too is meaningless.  For the wise man, like the fool, will not be long remembered; in days to come both will be forgotten.  Like the fool, the wise man too must die!

Analysis:  Death is the great equalizer.  No matter what we attain in this life.  While this seems to apply to earthly reasoning, God makes it clear in Eccl 12:14, and many other verses in the old and new testament that what we do here (in this life) has a great impact on eternity.  God speaks of laying up treasure in heaven where no one can steal it and it doesn't decay or rust.  I find it amazing how God's word always has a ring of truth to it when I read or hear it.  Maybe its the fact that Gods law is written on our heart and when we hear it or read it it somehow connects with our hearts creating that true feeling somehow. 

Good night all.  Sleep well and "Drive careful" as my dad used to say.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Solomon's Wisdom & Peter Cartwright's story

Answer to yesterdays quote:  Move "Return to me" starring Minnie Driver

Quote for today:  What movie is this in?  " How long is eternity gramps?  It's a right smart piece of time boy!"

Ted Bundy (murdered over 30 women)  said since nothing created the universe and we were created by random processes everything must be relative and morals are subjective.  Logical conclusion is that killing a pig for ham sandwich is no different that raping a women & killing her for pleasure.  I'm so glad God did create our universe and established standards to live by and made a way to heaven for anyone who would reach out and accept it.  He will not force it upon anyone.  Jim Elliot a modern day martyr for Christ said something very wise.  He said "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he can never lose."  For anyone who may not understand -- giving our short lives in this world to Jesus and living for him in exchange for eternal life in paradise with God and all the people who also gave their lives to Christ.  I agree with Jim Elliot anyone who makes that choice is no fool.  I gave Jesus my heart, repented of my sin and accepted by faith His gift of salvation when I was 19 in the Philippines.  And I can still make mistakes everyday and still make it into heaven because of what Christ did for me on the Cross of Calvary. WOW!!!!!!

Peter Cartwright:
As the American frontier moved west, preachers called circuit riders traveled from place to place visiting families.  Peter Cartwright was a successful circuit rider.  He found Jesus at age 15 converted from a life of gambling, horse racing, & fighting.  At 17 (1802) he started preaching which lasted 53 yrs.  He brought the Gospel to frontier families in Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois.  He became friends with Abraham Lincoln and died at his farm in Pleasant Plains, IL, on Sept 25, 1872 age 87.   I love examples like this of people who give to others all their lives, like my mom and dad (Phil & Inez)

Solomon (cont)

I thought in my heart, "Come now. I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good."  But that also proved to be meaninless.  Laughter, " I said, "is foolish. And what does pleasure accomplish?"  I tried cheering myself with wine, and embracing folly--my mind still guiding me with wisdom.  I wanted to see what was worthwhile for men to do under heaven during the few days of their lives.
I undertook great projects: I built houses for myself and planted vineyards.  I made gardens and parks and planted all kinds of fruit trees in them.  I made reservoirs to water groves of flourishing trees.  I bought male and female slaves and had other slaves who were born in my house.  I also owned more herds and flocks than anyone in Jerusalem before me.  I amassed silver and gold for myself, and the treasure of kings and provinces.  I acquired men and women singers, and a harem as well--the delights of the heart of man.  I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before me.  In all this my wisdom stayed with me. 
I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure.  My heart took delight in all my work; and this was the reward for all my labor.  Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.

Analysis:  I've heard testimony of football stars, baseball stars, hall of famers, movie stars etc.  who have said the same thing after their ultimate success.  Is that all there is?  I made it to the top and still feel empty.  There must be more.  Well there is.  That's what heaven is for.  God said " neither eye has seen or ear heard the glory God has prepared for those who love him." 

Till tomorrow.  If I don't make it - I love you all and hope to spend eternity with you on the other shore.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Solomon's Wisdom & John Bunyan

(Unforgiven and Red Skelton)

Q: What movie is this quote from?:  "It's those with the most character that God gives the most challenges.  You can take that as a complement."  And also "When she met you her heart beat truly for the first time."

Solomon continued:

I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem.  I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven.  What a heavy burden God has laid on men!  I have seen al the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.  What is twisted cannot be straightened; what is lacking cannot be counted.  I thought to myself, "Look, I have grown and increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me;  I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge."  Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.  For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.

Mark's Analysis:  Solomon had everything (wisdom, power, riches, honor, reputation, & God's favor), and yet discusses the vanity and emptiness of all this world has to offer.  Looking back over his life he saw most of it as meaningless.  Maybe he wanted his readers to avoid his own mistakes and realize that nothing apart from God could satisfy permenently.  If we try to find meaning in our accomplishments, rather than God, we will never be satisfied, and everything we pursue will become wearisome.  Apostle Paul said that he knew what is was to be both rich and poor, but that the answer was that whatever state he found himself to be content.  Godliness with contentment is great gain he said -- that rings true to my heart - how about you? 

JOHN Bunyan:  was born 1628 in southern England.  He became a preacher and ended up in prison for refusing to stop per the king's order (1661).  The prison just down from his home enabled his blind daughter Mary to bring him a jug of soup daily.  Bunyan spent almost 12 yrs in prison where he wrote many articles and books.  The most well known being Pilgrim's Progress, an imaginary story of a young man traveling toward heaven.  John got out of prison in 1672 and returned to his life as a pastor.  He died in London in 1688 from pneumonia, which he apparently caught after riding thru a chilling rainstorm to help settle an argument between a father and son.

Mark's Analysis:   It amazes me how God uses ordinary people thru good and hard times to accomplish his work.  I can't help but also notice that many great songs and writings are the result of extremely stressful situations in people lives.  For instance we would most likely not have Pilgrim's Progress if John Bunyan had not been put into prison.  Go figure.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dietrich Bonhoeffer German Hero


I saw The Guardians Owl movie and Secretariat movie today.  Both were excellent.  I lived thru the triple crown winner, but it was still great to watch. 

Quote of the day:  " I don't appreciate people decorating their establishments with my friends"  what movie is this from????  Answer tomorrow

Dietrich Bonhoeffer born in Breslau, Germany 1906 became involved in a resistance movement to overthrow Hitler.  This led to his arrest by the Gestapo in 1943.  On April 9, 1945 he was hanged with several other resisters just weeks before Hitler committed suicide & Germany surrendered to the Allies.  Bonhoeffer proclaimed that Jesus alone is Lord and that loyalty to Hitler was idolatry.  Along with thousands of other pastors, he refused to accept the "Aryan Clause" that discriminated against anyone of Jewish descent.  It intrigues me that he dared stand up to Hitler, yet the newspapers, radio, and universities all yielded to his propaganda and intimidation -- only the Christ followers/Church had gumpshon to publicly defy the Nazi movement from within Germany.  I heard somewhere that Einstein was very disappointed and surprised that the universities and newspapers didn't speak out against Hitler and became his puppets so quickly once public opinion swayed in his direction.  Was Bonhoeffer brave or stupid?  I say brave for standing up for what he believed and speaking out against evil.  If life has meaning we must be here to DO something -- what is it????

As I said I was reading Solomon.  Solomon wanted to spare future generations the bitterness of learning through their own experience that life is meaningless apart from God.  I think he is right which is why I started this Blog and want to learn more about the wisdom God gave Solomon.  He lived around 1000 BC.  He shared much on his life looking back over the years lived apart from God.  I hate getting my bubbles burst by reality.  Like finding out your Easter Bunny is hollow.  Or thinking you won something and finding out you didn't.  Thinking someone loves you and finding out they don't. 

Here we go:

The words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem:
Meaningless! Meaningless! says the Teacher.  Utterly meaningless!  Everything is meaningless.  What does man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun?  Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.  The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises.  The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course.  All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full.  To the place the streams come from, there they return again.  All things are wearisome, more than one can say.  The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its full of hearing.  What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.  Is there anything of which one can say, Look! This is something new? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.  There is no remembrance of men of old, and even those who are yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow. 

Analysis:  I come from a large family of 12 kids.  I was number 11.  Any other number 11s out there??  I remember many great times, but tough times as well.  When I was around 10 I remember asking God while in bed that if he was real please show me somehow.  Since he doesn't talk to us audibly.  Not til I was 19 did I finally find myself turning my life over to Jesus as my savior in the Philippines no less.  I should have died many times over, but I suppose God isn't done with me yet. I find Solomon comforting because he tried everything and had passed his wisdom to us so we don't have to make all the same mistakes he did.  I'll never be King or have 500 wives etc. but still know those things don't satisfy in the long run.  I can spend my limited time on earth doing hopefully the right things.  Till next time.  Hang in there and who is this from? "Good night and may God bless"  Answer in tomorrows entry.  If I forget someone remind me.

Joy in the Journey

Hello Visitor  (I do realize the spelling on my website is wrong; it should be Klaatu Barada Nikto) it was not available so I changed the spelling slightly.

I believe people of all ages have pondered the meaning of life.  I've been reading the words of Solomon (the wisest man to ever live) and will be sharing my thoughts of what I read and discover along the way. 

Welcome to my journey.  It has been said that the joy is not in our destination but in the Journey.  I've come to realize that only applies to people who have surrendered their lives to Jesus and thus been born again spiritually.   Then and only then can we have the hope and security and joy and peace that comes from real saving grace that only God can provide thru his son Jesus Christ. 

This blog is dedicated the my brothers and sisters and mom (who is now 92 as I write this) and my dad who passed into paradise in 1998 after a long bout with cancer.  My brother Ed is in heaven because he gave his heart to Christ as the Bible says and mom & dad brought us up to believe.  I know several of my siblings have given there hearts to Christ but not all.  My prayers and burden has always been that we could all spend eternity with God.

Remember heaven is free BUT you MUST choose it and accept it from God as specified in the Bible (simple & clear). If everyone automatically went to heaven -- Jesus would not have died on the cross for our sins.  Don't miss it.   Jesus paid our sin debt that we could never pay so we could get into heaven.  Ask mom or myself if you have questions.  I will not argue with you, but if you're really seeking truth I'll be glad to discuss question about God. 

God said in Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.