Saturday, July 23, 2016


SMALLVILLE IS STILL MY FAVORITE TV SERIES EVER and I've seen a lot. My daughter got me into it shortly after it began in 2001.  I almost stopped watching in middle of season 5 after watching episode 'Reckoning' which is still one of the best episodes.  Its gripping and so well done it makes you mad, sad, giddy, happy, and extremely frustrated in just 45 minutes.  But I stuck it out and I'm so glad I did.  After watching the entire series I recommend watching my 'Evolution of a punch' clip on Youtube built by another person, but I finished it.  Its about Lois and Clark and I'm sure you'll like it. 

My favorite character was CHLOE SULLIVAN  aka Allison Mack Clark's best and oldest friend. Check out Tigerbai1 my YouTube channel for lots of clips I've made about Smallville.  I loved both Lana Lang and Lois Lane though -- he was great with both of them.  My video clips are two types; first I did season summaries of the best dialog and still shots.  Many don't like it but I think it gives  a different perspective you normally never see because the still shots are taken from the show as I watched it split second.  Especially during fast scenes with heavy action to stop the screen and catch a slice of the show your eyes would never have time to see is interesting to me and I hope you enjoy it.  It was not meant to be seen like that but I still love it and its like you're seeing something for first time even though you've seen the series because its a still shot of them acting. 

The other type clips I made were highlights of just Lois and Clark and Lana and Clark put to some theme music of my choice at times.  I hope you like it.  I must warn you watching these will make you want to watch the whole series again.  If you have not seen the series don't watch my clips they will spoil it for you. You can only see something for the first time once.  So don't ruin it for yourself. 

The music of the series is another overlooked part that I think makes it great.  There are so many aspects to Smallville such as the relationship with his folks that extends the entire 10 seasons.  His friendship with Lex is so much a part of the series.  Chloe's friendship is so important it almost makes the show.  Then Lana and then Lois are both just outstanding and full of ups and downs and twists and turns and action and adventure and romance and the list goes on.  Its funny and serious and real and fantasy and deep and light hearted and the list goes on.  The dialog is amazing.  One line in season 2 I believe Pete says to Chloe Clark must be on drugs or something and Chloe responds "Clark would have to be on drugs, to be on drugs".  I always laugh.  If you don't get the joke its because Clark is such a straight arrow and all American boy etc.  Lois calls him grasshopper in one episode referring to old TV show Kung Fu and if you're not familiar with it you'll miss it. 

One guest character Sarah Carter as Alecia Baker was so good you hate her at first then love her by the end.  I won't say anymore about her - she is in 3 or 4 great episodes I believe. 

Spike from Buffy Vampire Slayer and Angel plays Brainiac in the Smallville series.  Does a great job.  Season 7 adds Supergirl and is awesome as well.  This may sound hard to believe but there really was no episode I didn't like.  Even in Star Trek of which I'm a avid fan there were a few episodes that were just terrible from several of the series, but not Smallville.  Just pick one and watch it and you'll enjoy it and want more.  
I'll close with my favorite episodes from each season:
S1 - Pilot, Nicodemus, and Tempest
S2 - Red, Rush, Calling
S3 - Slumber, Relic, Obsession
S4 - Pariah, Lucy, Devoted, Blank (so many others great season)
S5 - Mortal, Reckoning, Vessel, Exposed
S6 - Zod, Hydro, Crimson, Combat
S7 - Blue, Apocalypse, Kara, Arctic
S8  - Instinct, Bride, Committed, Legion
S9  - Rabid, Echo, Pandora
S10  - Kent, Isis, Icarus, Luthor, Finale, Ambush, Homecoming
