Saturday, July 28, 2012

All religions can be wrong, but they cannot all be right


(God said all things were good that he created)
A Robust theory or belief, a philosophy or medical techniques are not scrapped due to a few exceptions or flaws.  Evolutionists don’t scrap Evolution because they can’t explain the Cambrian explosion.  We don’t scrap Christianity because we can’t explain every minute detail of the text or because people claim religion causes all wars and has been abused over the centuries for example Spanish inquisition; crusades and the like.  For instance federal agents don’t study counterfeit bills to identify counterfeit bills NO they study the real McCoy so that when the counterfeit arises it is identified easily.  Since there is an endless amount of techniques to counterfeit the only way to really guard against them is to know the real thing. Do you want a doctor who is really compitent or one who just says he's qualified; a pilot who IS really good or just says he's good. Big difference when you're the one on the operating table or flying in the plane through a storm with zero visibility.  I don't know about you but I'll take the real McCoy every time. (Note for thought - all religions can be wrong, but they cannot all be right. )

The same goes for real true Christians also known as:

true Israel (Galatians 6:16) 
the “bride of ChristRevelation 19:7-9, 21:2,2 Corinthians 11:2   
the “body of ChristColossians 1:18 
 his Church Matthew 16:18 
the seed of Abraham Galations 3:29 
& saints Psalm 34:9

It amazes me but I’m not surprised that people in general clump them all together in their minds while thinking logical practical people should think better.  Realizing that any belief system philosophy or scientific experiment can be used properly or abused.  They say knowledge is power and it certainly is and requires a high level of responsibility to go with it otherwise we have abuses thus the next maxim – “absolute power corrupts absolutely”  God himself is the only being that can hold such power and actually maintain integrity and perfect love at the same time.  Thus we need God to become anything good ourselves - thus being born again (new creation in Christ).  Nothing in this flesh will become good -- we need God.  So you say, I know many non believers who are good; now we come to the definition of terms & context.  Do we go by our own made up definitions or God’s definition of things – If god says none are good no not one then I believe him.  (Romans 3:23 & Psalm 53:3) Acting civil and living what appears to be a clean respectful life will not suffice in God’s book.  Any impure thought any deception or lie no matter how small – to envy or covet things that are not yours - sins of omission (not doing what you should). When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden they not only brought death upon themselves but upon all mankind forever – our only hope is for a sinless man to be our savior to take our sin away and pay our sin debt (past present & future) forever; because obviously we continue to sin daily.  The entire Bible and all the prophets revolve around Jesus grand rescue mission from God to provide a way where there was no way; to redeem all mankind and to make us alive again in Spirit. 

You say Adam and Eve have nothing to do with me: well lets take it a notch closer then; do your grandparents have anything to do with you.  I would say so simply due to the fact that you get your genetic info from them and wouldn’t even exist if they had not had children themselves.  Another example is disease – do you take immunizations as a baby and even now or accept modern medical treatments for any number of problems YES obviously we all do; well where did all these techniques come from – not our of thin air; they came from experiments by men and women like you and me who cared enough to figure our the mysteries of biology and medicine to help others in the future.  Polio is a good example - thus it impacts us today.  So don’t ever say the past has nothing to do with me.  It has everything to do with you and everyone else. We all have a choice to be accept Jesus and be light and salt in an evil world or reject Him and remain in darkness forever.  We  must hold to that which is good and put off the bad; but even this is fruitless unless we abide in Jesus who alone can save us from the 2nd death.  The 1st death is physical which is a club everyone joins involuntarily.  But the 2nd death can be avoided by a choice in this life to confess Jesus as Lord and savior by faith and repentance & not of works lest any man could boast. (Refer to Gospel of John 3:16; Romans 3:23 & 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-9;  Epistle of 1st John 5:1-19)

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