Saturday, February 18, 2012

Explanation of Grace and Faith & Salvation & more

People seek Relevance – forgetting sometimes that it is truth that gives relevance to relevance, without the truth, relevance becomes irrelevant – the words of Os Guinness.


Physical cannot explain it’s own existence. Thus u must invoke the supernatural to explain the physical universe (God). 


Intelligent Design is obvious – a dictionary doesn’t come into being by a printing press exploding.  When you see intelligibility you always deduce intelligence.  If you find a watch

You know someone built it.  Our galaxy is so much more amazing that a wrist watch and yet people say it just happened all by itself.  Insanity.  & people say Christians are closed minded.  Those who don’t follow evidence and start their thinking process excluding any possibility of the supernatural are the closed minded.


The Historical, social, & individual  struggles of mankind are evidence for God, not against Him.  Read the bible and you’ll see God has done thru Christ all he could do.  Our salvation has been provided for – thru faith each person must take hold of it by their own choice thru faith in what Christ did for them.  Grace stands for (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense) and Faith stands for (Forsaking ALL I Trust Him).  Eph 2:8-9  Faith receives what Grace provides.


Remember we are not saved by works, but we do works because of what Christ did for us.  We work from our salvation not for it.  Faith without works is dead simply means that if we are really saved we will do what Christ said and do good deeds in his name.  Good works follow salvation as sure as night follows day – works don’t save you they are simply the evidence that you were really saved in the first place.      



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